Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year

Leap year is actually pretty hard for me and my family.  8 Years ago my sweet mother passed away.  I just wanted to take a moment and reflect on lessons I learned from her as well as some precious memories.  She was such an amazing example to me of service. My mom was someone who always put others before herself.  I loved the way that she encouraged us to serve along side her.  I remember many many occasions where we went to help out with my Grandma Larrabee when she was bed-ridden. She helped us make cookies and we took them to soldiers on the air-force base on Christmas.  I remember how my mom ingrained in us the importance of being kind to everyone. When someone was in need she always tried to help them in any way possible.  I remember once she literally gave someone the coat off of her back on a cold winters day. Another time all she had was some fruit loops for the baby in her purse, but she still gave that because it was all she had. It didn't matter who it was. My mom was always someone who loved to listen and empathize with others.  She would laugh or cry with you depending on the emotions you were feeling.  As a mother, sister, wife, and friend she cherished her relationships and boosted others up.  My mother has forever influenced me for the better. It is because of her creativity that I developed my abilities in art.  She has been the inspiration for my love of writing.  Because of her I became so passionate in educating myself about alternative health.  She has inspired me to love working with mentally handicapped. She also inspired me to educate myself on mental health which led me to working at the college as a mentor, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life.  My goal this last month was to serve more because I knew it would help me draw near to my savior, my mom, and my husband. I am so grateful that I chose to do this when I was down this month it helped so much to focus on other people. Most of all I learned from this experience that it is so important to say I love you and to express your feelings.  I love you mom!!! I love my wonderful husband for being such a great support, and I love all of my  family (including my husband's) and friends!!


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