Wednesday, May 29, 2013

There have been many things about motherhood that I have recently learned.  First off, there are no perfect moms or perfect babies. No matter how perfect someone tries to make their lives appear through blogs and/or facebook all moms feel overwhelmed at times. Sometimes it can be hard to remember that most people show their best pictures and share their best stories with the world. However, we all struggle and we all have hard times. I often wonder what it'd be like if everyone felt comfortable sharing what is real. I don't mean that we should talk about our lives in a negative manner either.  I just wish that people were comfortable being real. I feel like it's too easy to get caught up in the worldly aspects of motherhood. The truth is that babies only need the basics: love, warmth, food, and a clean bum. It doesn't matter how cute the outfit is that you put on your baby, they will still find every way possible to get out of it, usually by way of spitting up or exploding out the other end.  It doesn't matter how many times a year you get professional pictures done. Babies still  seem to look the cutest in the simple shots of everyday life, after all these are the ones which carry the memories.  In all honesty these things can be fun once and a while, but there comes a point where it can be too much. When I start to get overwhelmed I realize that the gospel has good guidelines for motherhood.

  A friend of mine posted the motherhood video to facebook and it was good reassurance for me.  I am so grateful for my knowledge that motherhood truly is a partnership with god.  I am also grateful for the examples set for fatherhood.

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