The women in my family (on Aaron's side) decided to do a "Facebook fast" for the two weeks prior to conference. We also took turns choosing conference talks to watch and discuss. I didn't realize how much time I was spending on Facebook and how it affected my life until I went without. I don't think that Facebook is evil by any means, but I do know that I felt a lot more peace in certain areas, when I went without it for a little while. I was more able to live in the moments I was experiencing rather than worrying about where I was falling short. Although I am always excited for conference, this time I felt a little more prepared.
I have been touched by the messages from the talks shared among us women, along with the most recent talks from conference.
I am not perfect. I constantly struggle to remember that this is okay. I am often hard on myself and forget that I can overcome my imperfections.
I am reminded daily of what it means to trust and love perfectly. Hyrum shows me what it means. He needs my affection and love. He needs comfort when he is sad. He needs me to spend time with him. He needs to be taught so he can learn and grow-- spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally.
Sometimes I don't recognize his love. I get distracted by a screaming toddler or by sleep deprivation. I become blinded by unrealistic expectations, of myself, of how to be a mother, of how I think my child should act, and even of what a husband and father should do. I feel constantly bombarded by such expectations.
I become downhearted by the horrific things in the news and the difficult challenges that people I love face. I allow myself to become down about the repetitiveness of life. There are times when struggles hit me, or those I love and I am unsure how to respond other than falling to my knees. Sometimes there is no possible solution to these problems other than trusting that the lord will give us the strength to cope.
I love what Elder Holland says when he states, "Believe in miracles. I have seen so many of them come when every other indication would say that hope was lost. Hope is never lost. If those miracles do not come soon or fully or seemingly at all, remember the Savior’s own anguished example: if the bitter cup does not pass, drink it and be strong, trusting in happier days ahead."
Thank goodness for happy days! Each day we have is a gift. Many of these days are spent with the two people I love more than anything. Aaron and Hyrum are my world. Some of the happiest times I've had with my little family, are when we are enjoying nature and the incredible world that has been created for us. 
It is helpful to know that there are so many people there to back me up in life. I am so grateful to be in contact with incredible employers who show us their support, not only in business, but in their interest in our personal lives. I receive constant support from friends and family. I feel so very blessed for the relationships which I have with each of my family members. I wish I could say I never take those relationships for granted. I also have many cherished memories with wonderful ward members, church leaders, and visiting teachers who truly understand their callings.
My life is great because of the people in it, because of my parents who provided me the opportunity to live, and because of the gospel plan which provides me the opportunity to be with my husband and all of my family for eternity. All of this is possible because of the savior. It is awe inspiring!
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