Lately, in the news and in social media there have been articles and posts embedded with fear. I admit that there have been times that I too have felt fear. It's easy to feel fear when you know that you are responsible to protect your family in a world so full of uncertainty. I have been taught to study from the best books, sources, and from the best people. I am able to feel peace in knowing that I can find answers for myself. Everyone has their agency. Not everyone is going to make the same decisions for their family that my husband and I make for ours. I often have opportunities to find places where the spirit can be and I am able to feel the peace of the spirit-- faith once again over rides the fears I may have.
It saddens me to see people who let those fears take root and forget what it means to be free or to have agency. We cannot control what others do, nor should we attempt to do so. Many posts I have seen are emotionally charged posts, which are posted out of ignorance and fear. There are many things that might be right for one family and may not be right for another. I have experienced times when I have felt forced to do things that I did not agree with. It is not our right to force anyone, those who live here or in other countries, to live the way we do -- no matter how strongly we feel about it.
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